This curriculum is designed to help increase provider’ knowledge and ability to respond to the challenges of Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit individuals. In this issue, the National AI/AN ATTC also introduces its upcoming curriculum titled “Honoring Our Relations: Increasing Knowledge on Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit Wellness”. Each bring their own expertise and experiences to this newsletter.
Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians Apacuar/Tutmalria Larry Kairaiuak, Yup’ik and Michaela Grey, MPH, Dine´. Special guest writers include: Rick Haverkate, MPH Sault Ste. In this newsletter we celebrate the strength and resilience of the Native LGBTQ community.
The National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC is excited to share its most recent newsletter, a special issue focusing on the Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit population. Special Edition Newsletter National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC